Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Discussion about XBOX Dancing Mat

This is a quick discussion between me(Taha) and Carl about the new Xbox dancing mat.
Xbox has revelled its new dancing mat which makes the player physically move. It is one of the new technology that has great effects on the players. It’s about having fun and burning calories.     
The dancing mat has real great effects on players where you can play and exercise in the same time. Studies show s that the dancing mat helps you to lose weight in a short time. A person who has used this mat seems to be happy about the result of it. Many people think of as a game for kids only while it has great benefits for both adults and children. The amazing news of it that it’s not just for losing weight it’s also fun and getting extra dancing skills. So this mat has more than benefit combined i really believe it’s a great invention in regards to today’s video games.   
Yeah, that’s all valid points, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s extremely lame. I cannot see me, any of my friends and especially not my parents playing this game. It may be beneficial but in todays society we are becoming lazier and lazier. I don’t to play a game where I just tap some squares on the ground over and over again. I want to be lazy!

1 comment:

  1. WOO! Nice arguments. I think everything is a two-edge sword, same as this dancing mat. Whether it's good for u or not is depends on how u use it :)

