Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Benefits of Video Games:

Yes there are benefits of video games as its harmfull in the same time. There are great benefits of video games but yet it depends on how we use? it what is the resone of using it? and the amount of time YOU spinding playing it!!
I thought video games has disadvanteges only as my dad use to tell me all the time.But after reading research about it i start to think of  it way different from the way i used to.
The very first benefit which amazed me is that Games help children who are ill or have injuries.
Focusing in a game makes the mind forget about pain and discomfort. And now even hospitals are encouraging children and others who have a painful treatments to play games in term to forget about pain.According to griffiths a professor at Nottingham University wrote in a medical journal another benefit that playing games could help children with attention deficit disorders. Research also shows that the children could gain social skills.Futhermore, Games enable you to make your own decisions and think on their own. Games can also improve languge for example, as Abdul has mentiond in his topic a bout the chat it can be languge improve where you will get a chance to talk to many people from different nationalities. Video and computer games help children gain self confidence and many games are based on history, city building, and governance and so on. Such games indirectly teach children about aspects of life on earth.


1 comment:

  1. Its true that video games offer all these benefits. But this is not the only side of video gaming. I am impressed with the way you have explored all these positive points and recommended to use games in correct way.
    christmas videos for kids
